Psychological Evaluations

Insightful Evaluation

Trustonics understands the critical role that psychological evaluations plays in the public safety workplace. Our dedicated team of experienced psychologists specializes in conducting comprehensive psychological evaluations tailored specifically for pre-employment purposes.  Additionally, our psychologists provide Fit-For-Duty evaluations for employees who are already employed with your agency. 

Public Safety Employers today recognize the importance of not only assessing professional qualifications but also ensuring that candidates possess the psychological resilience and aptitude necessary for the demands of the workplace. A Pre-Employment Psychological Evaluation serves as a valuable tool in this process, providing insights into an individual's mental and emotional fitness to service in public safety roles.

Our approach to evaluation goes beyond surface-level assessments, ensuring a holistic understanding of each candidate. These tools collectively contribute to a meticulous and insightful evaluation process, aiding in the selection of individuals best suited for success in law enforcement.

Assessment Tools for Comprehensive Evaluation:

  • Evaluates psychopathology and adjustment issues to ensure a thorough understanding of an individual's mental well-being.

  • The California Psychological Inventory (CPI) offers a multidimensional analysis of everyday personality traits. Widely preferred for law enforcement applicants, it not only boasts extensive validation data for police but also directly assesses traits crucial for success.

  • Most departments utilize at least one intellectual ability measure, with some opting for two, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of cognitive capabilities.

  • A direct measure of writing proficiency serves as an excellent adjunct for evaluating communication skills and intellectual ability.

  • An extensive biographical questionnaire covering developmental history, work record, life events, education, legal history, financial history, driving record, drug and alcohol use, emotional health, and readiness for work in law enforcement.

  • Conducted to delve into life experiences, levels of adjustment, self-control, and self-presentation, providing valuable qualitative insights.

  • A comprehensive report detailing relevant findings from the assessments, offering a clear and thorough understanding of the individual's suitability for a career in public safety.

Rest assured that our psychological evaluations are conducted with the utmost confidentiality and professionalism. We prioritize creating a safe and respectful environment for candidates while delivering valuable insights to employers. Trustonics only employs Board Certified Licensed Psychologists.

Virtual testing and assessments utilize a secure, HIPAA-compliant Telehealth platform.

Trustonics - Your Shield in Pre & Post-Employment Assurance, Truth Verification, and Psychological Services!  Are you committed to building a workforce of trust and integrity? Look no further! Trustonics specializes in providing comprehensive solutions for public safety agencies, ensuring you have the most reliable and secure personnel on staff.